[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jeffrey W. Baker) wrote:
>IMHO Apache::DBI causes more problems than it solves with it's
>"transparent" replacement of DBI functions.  Can anyone point to an
>example where a subclass of DBI would not do everything that Apache::DBI
>does, except without the headaches?

Yes, here's an example: a subclass wouldn't let existing scripts run
*unmodified* with persistent connections.

That said, I should point out that I tend to wrap my connection() method in a
subroutine anyway and call that subroutine from lots of places, so it wouldn't
be much hassle to do
instead of 
.  I agree that it would certainly be more intuitive and avoid the load-order
gotchas.  And support for Apache::DBI could be removed from DBI, which makes
sense hierarchically.

I don't (yet) see a way to make this interface backward-compatible, so I
suppose it deserves a new class name.  Apache::PersistentDBI? 

  -------------------                            -------------------
  Ken Williams                             Last Bastion of Euclidity
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]                            The Math Forum

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