On Dec 07, 1999 at 01:53:20 -0800, hamid khoshnevis twiddled the keys to say:
> I am trying to call Glimpse from modperl and capture the data set back.  
> After I wrote the email, I was told by a friend that I should use temporary 
> files to capture the output of Glimpse.
> Any ideas??

Pipe it to a filehandle. Something like...

  open PIPE, "/bin/glimpse |";
  while (<PIPE>) {
    push @array, $_;

Not very mod_perl'ish, but it saves re-inventing the glimpse
engine in perl.

Rick Myers                            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Feynman Problem       1) Write down the problem.
Solving Algorithm         2) Think real hard.
                          3) Write down the answer.

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