Hello all,

2 Questions about Embperl (If it's not the right place to do so, please tell
me; I didn't find anything more specifically related to Embperl...)

First, it seems Embperl doesn't know about <input type=image ...> fields in
forms; Browsers that find them generate "x" and "y" fields (or "fieldname.x"
and "fieldname.y", if a field name is given... Take note that few non graphical
browsers generate a "fieldname" field instead in that case), and Embperl
doesn't add those fields to %idat (can be a problem in some cases, for example
if you use [$ hidden $] in a page that loops on itself, ...)

And now for something different...

What's the best way to send binary output in Embperl ?

I generate ZIP and PDF files on the fly (check http://www.moviecovers.com/ if
you wish), and the workaround I'm currently using is :

- the Embperl page generates a temporary file in a special directory;
- it outputs a HTTP Found (302) answer, with a redirection to the URL of the
above file;
- a crontab job "cleans" old files.

That works rather well for most people, but some combinaisons of
OS/browser/plugins aren't so pleased with redirections (Windows version of
Netscape 4.5 + Adobe Acrobat Reader 4, to name one), so I'd like to experiment
again with binary output.

I've seen old messages in this mailing list about binary output from modperl,
but not from Embperl...

I want to output a file without any additionnal processing (that mangles with
'\0's and stuff), and at the same time be nice to Embperl, so that it sends
the headers *before* anything else (not afterwards :) ) 

That looks possible, I just want to be sure I'm heading in the right

Best regards,

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