> It looks like the output function stops at the first null character
> (C-style strings problem??).

Yes, I use C-string with terminating null. I knew this problem already and
it's on the todo list to change this.

> ePerl does not have a problem with outputing binaries either. Look
> at the demo.image example at
> http://www.engelschall.com/sw/eperl/example/

You are free to use ePerl :-)

> Let's be honest about this. It is a bug and it can be fixed.

It's not a bug. Embperl, was written with ascii data in mind. I would write
your code as a Apache::Registry script:

  $r = shift ;
  $r -> http_headers_out('Content-type' => "image/gif") ;
  $r -> send_hhtp_headers ;
  print pack('H*',  '47494638376114001400800000ff00000000002c' .
                        '0000000014001400000211848fa9cbed0fa39cb4' .

> It would
> make Embperl much more useful than it is now. If it can't be done,
> which I doubt, I recommend everybody switching to PHP3. It is more
> consistent, and it does not suffer from this kind of mysterious
> problems.

The problem came up the first time about 3 weeks ago (Embperl is already 3
years old :-). I will of course change this in a further release so this
could also be done with Embperl, but that's not at the highest priority.


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