Hi everybody,

Sorry for the poor wording of my question. Once again:

I am trying to install and use more then one translation
handler. I tried two approaches to specifying handlers
in the Apache config file (both recommended in the 
"Eagle" book.) First, have both handlers on the same line,
e.g. in httpd.conf

PerlTransHandler  SimpleTranslation::handler FancyTranslation::handler

In this case Apache spits out error:

 Syntax error on line 29 of /etc/httpd/conf/perl.conf
 PerlTransHandler takes one argument, the Perl Translation handler routine 

and exits.

Secondly I tried to put two lines in config:

PerlTransHandler  SimpleTranslation::handler
PerlTransHandler  FancyTranslation::handler
In this case, only second handler gets invoked.
Am I missing something?!!!



I tried to set more then one PerlTransHandler but
if I specify both on the same line, Apache says
"syntax error", otherwise it see only the last one.

Apache 1.3.6 on Linux with mod_perl 1.19

According to "Apache Modules" book it should be
possible... Any advice will be highly appreciated!


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