On Wed, 15 Dec 1999, you wrote:
> Hi all,
> On 14 Dec 1999, Greg Stark wrote:
> > I think the interdependence with the apache tree and the mod_perl
> > tree just makes things too complicated. I'm not unfamiliar with
> > complicated building software -- even fairly complex software, but
> > mod_perl just plain won that weekend, I conceded defeat.
> > 
> > It doesn't help that there are at least two completely different
> > ways to build each. I would suggest narrowing it down to just one
> > right way to build apache.  If the shared module can't be made rock
> > solid then I suppose one way for shared module and one for compiling
> > statically into apache. But I would suggest throwing out the
> > PREP_HTTPD and DO_HTTPD stuff and the option to not use apaci.
> Hear, hear.
> Is there an echo in here?

Yes, here's one: I'm strongly opposed to this suggestion. I have always built
mod_perl + apache in one single step (perl Makefile.PL EVERYTHING=1 DO_HTTPD=1
&& make install), I like the fact that I install just the binary httpd wherever
I feel like, I don't want it to go away.

If you're concerned about the two different ways to build, hop on over to
Apache-land, they started it :-)


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