Hi there,

Good to hear from you again.

On Wed, 15 Dec 1999, Eric Cholet wrote:

> I'm strongly opposed to this suggestion. I have always built
> mod_perl + apache in one single step (perl Makefile.PL EVERYTHING=1
> DO_HTTPD=1 && make install), I like the fact that I install just the
> binary httpd wherever I feel like, I don't want it to go away.

Perhaps I should have snipped the message to which I was replying a
little.  I have no problem with that, in fact I do the same thing now.

> If you're concerned about the two different ways to build, hop on
> over to Apache-land, they started it :-)

I'm only concerned that some people seem to be getting in a muddle!  I
might be talking through my hat but it seems that a lot of troubles at
build time are caused by dependencies on the directory structure that
haven't been ironed out yet.


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