I am trying to get the DBI::Ingres stuff to work with Apache::DBI.

Once the server tries to open the inital connections through the
startup.pl file with the "Apache::DBI->connect_on_init" command it throws
an error message like this:

168 Apache::DBI             PerlChildInitHandler
[Fri Jan  7 12:46:35 2000] [error] install_driver(Ingres) failed: Can't
for module DBD::Ingres: dlopen: cannot load
at /uns/mind/usr/local/perl5/lib/5.00503/alpha-dec_osf/DynaLoader.pm
line 169.

 at (eval 15) line 3

 at /uns/mind/usr/local/perl5/lib/site_perl/5.005/Apache/DBI.pm line 138

in the error_log when I run httpsd -X (single thread mode).

I can run the DBI drivers to ingres with no problems outside

of Apache just not with the Apache mod_perl stuff.

Does anyone know what's going on here?  I expect that DynaLoader

is used to load the DBI standalone stuff - and that works fine -

so why is it that DynaLoader would have trouble loading Ingres.so

when requested through Apache::DBI?


Cere Davis                      *        
Systems Administrator           *        
MCIS University of Washington   *
206.221.4717                    *
[EMAIL PROTECTED]           *

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