I got a work around for the problem I am having.
-  Set a cookie header using meta command as set-cookie is not working properly
   on my box thru mod_perl. Somewhere it is creating a problem and I am not sure
   where. Using meta command I set up a cookie for the session id.
-  Create a file on my disk with all parameters selected by the user with the session-id
   as the file id.
-  Get the session-id using the environment variable $ENV('HTTP_COOKIE'}
-  Load the file with the session id and populate the user selected parameters as well as
    add new selections
-  Pass-on these parameters to the web pages (Embperl encoded) using the
   HTML::Embperl::Execute command.
At present, all these are done thru three scripts.
Although the browser address is not showing the full URL, it shows correct results.
I am trying more to refine this and create one generic Perl script to handle all pages in
my site.
Thanks for all your help.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, January 09, 2000 2:01 PM
Subject: RE: URL Redirection

As I was having problem to set up Embperl as CGI, I found out a way to workaround
that. To call HTML::Embperl::Execute from my perl script and pass the html
document as parameter. This works OK.
That is, like Tom and Vivek pointed out, cgiwrapper eats the PATH_INFO and PATH_TRANSLATED 
 What I want to achieve is to have the some session info (basically I want to create
my own session persistant data for various statistical purposes) to be part of
the URL. (I mean the browser address to show something like
http://my.domain.com/myplscript.pl?session=1&id=21). I am using a generic
perl script to manage all pages and using embperl to link each together. My problem
is the "Location: myscript.pl?session=1&id=21" is not showing in the address line
fully, but executing properly. This will give me a problem if the user reloads or move backwards
from other page. I want the address line to show full url address including the parameters
when I redirect it so that reloads and backwards will work properly.
Sorry, but I don't understand what you mena

Gerald Richter    ecos electronic communication services gmbh
Internetconnect * Webserver/-design/-datenbanken * Consulting

Post:       Tulpenstrasse 5         D-55276 Dienheim b. Mainz
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