
Thanks for all your help. I think there is something different about my
server too. I have no idea what it might be, but it really does look
like there's something going on.

Here's where I am at regarding testing and trying to track down the
problem. (Aside from pulling my hair and thinking about a total

I run the script fine under "regular" cgi; no errors. (Thanks for that
tip, hadn't thought of it.)
With PerlTaintCheck disabled in httpsd.conf it runs and produces no
With "PerlTaintCheck On" in httpsd.conf it runs and produces the
following errors:

[Tue Jan 11 09:38:12 2000] [error] Uncaught exception from user code:
      Can't upgrade that kind of scalar at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/i386-    linux/Apache/ line
      Apache::Registry::handler('Apache=SCALAR(0x81a78c8)') called at
/dev/null line  0
        eval {...} called at /dev/null line 0

(lines wrapped badly)

I can even run it from the command prompt (Thanks to the wonders of

[root@melanie /root]# /home/httpd/perl/
(offline mode: enter name=value pairs on standard input)
Content-Type: text/html

</HEAD><BODY BGCOLOR="white"><H1>Hello john</H1><P>To change your name,
enter it into the text field below and press <EM>change name
<FORM METHOD="POST"  ENCTYPE="application/x-www-form-urlencoded">
Name: <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="realname" VALUE="john"><INPUT
TYPE="submit" NAME=".submit" VALUE="Change

For the record, my is V 2.01 and line 32 says:
  my $filename = $r->filename;
I also noticed that "use strict;" was commented out for purposes of
"#eval'd scripts will inherit hints". Don't know what this means really,
I just mention it in case it has bearing.

Here is the script. (I know "die" produces a server error too.) Please
feel free to tell me I am an idiot and missing the obvious, just tell me
what the obvious is. I really can't begin to make sense of the error
message. What is "upgrading" a scalar?

#!/usr/bin/perl -wT
use CGI qw( :standard);
use diagnostics;
use strict;
use vars qw($realname);
$realname = param('realname') || 'Anonymous';
if ($realname =~ /^([-\@\w.]+)$/) { #untaint per perlsec
        $realname = $1;
      } else {
      die "Bad data in $realname";
print   header(),
        start_html( -title => 'Hello', -bgcolor => 'white' ),
        h1("Hello $realname"),
        "To change your name, enter it into the text field below and
        em( "change name." )
                "Name: ", 
                textfield( -name => 'realname' , -value => 'Anonymous'
                submit( -value => 'Change name' ),

I tried it without "use diagnostics;" in case that was doing some
tainting. A similar but less detailed error is written to the logs:

[Tue Jan 11 09:53:17 2000] [error] Can't upgrade that kind of scalar at

I can't test this with httpsd -x (For the predicatably stupid reason
that I'm doing development on a "production" box.) The script seems to
be running once with no input, once with input and the second time it
runs with input I get the error. (I am guessing this based on the info I
see in "top" between each attempt.) I have tried really hard to
understand (and I think I get the basics) of the scoping that you talk
about in the guide. I don't see the problem there. There's only one
variable I create and I "use var qw($realname);" so that should be OK,

One other thought, I run this under regular cgi with "#!/usr/bin/perl
-wT" (also under mod_perl). Shouldn't that warn of taint problems? (Even
if PerlTaintCheck is off?) And if so, then this isn't really a tainting
problem, so why does PerlTaintCheck effect operation of the script?

Any suggestions you have will be gladly examined. 

Thanks again,
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Stas Bekman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, January 11, 2000 2:33 AM
> To: John Walker
> Subject: RE: Hey, that ain't tainted, is it?
> > That would be ALL of it wouldn't it? <G>
> > 
> > Anyway, I'm still not sure how the hello world script 
> violates the use
> > of tainted data... it just goes to STDOUT (browser).
> may be because you load some other module which is not 
> taint-clean. Look
> at this in this way -- lots of people run more complicated code than a
> "hello world" and doesn't have a taint problem. So there is something
> different about your server. Try to remove any preload and 
> other code that
> you don't need and start afresh with a hello world script, 
> then move back
> the rest one by one until you find the offensive one. BTW, 
> try testing it
> with mod_cgi too, don't forget to add -wT at the shebang line...
> > If I understand this correctly, I've got to run *all* my user input
> > through a regex and use the resultant $1, $2 parts as my data? What
> > about data from an SQL db via DBI, is that "pre-tainted"?
> Not really, there are also other things to do when perl 
> complains about
> taint problems. Like setting $ENV{PATH} and more... the manpage talks
> about these *other* things.
> > Thanks, John.
> > PS The updated guide is very nice. (Maybe my problem is I 
> shouldn't be
> > reading the guide, the panther book, the ram book, and the 
> eagle book,
> > all at the same time. <G>)
> :)
> > 
> > > -----Original Message-----
> > > From: Stas Bekman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > > Sent: Monday, January 10, 2000 4:34 PM
> > > To: John Walker
> > > Subject: Re: Hey, that ain't tainted, is it?
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > % perldoc perlsec
> > > -- is what you are looking for. it's all there...
> > [...]
> > 

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