>From my quick look at Registry.pm it looks like there's no way to disable
the feature where a script will be re-compiled if it changes on disk.

Is this correct?

This is a problem if I update both the main script, and modules used by the
script. For example, adding a new subroutine to a module and then calling
it from the main Registry script.  The main script will be recompiled, but
not the module, so I'll get an undefinded subroutine called.

I'm not using Apache::StatINC - the module isn't in the @INC path at startup.

I'd like to be able to move the updated script and module into place and
either do a -USR1 restart or just wait for the Apache processes to go
through their normal life cycle.  As is, it seems as if I have to bring
down the server, move in the updated scripts in, and restart.  Not the most
graceful process.

Bill Moseley

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