At 11:09 AM 1/12/00 -0500, Gacesa, Petar wrote:
>I was doing the stress testing of the Apache web server by simulating a
>large number of http requests.  After several hours I started getting the
>following line in my access_log file:
> - - [11/Jan/200:22:33:45 -0500] "-" 408 -
>Instead of the URL that was supposed to be accessed.
>Can somebody please tell me what this means?
It's a bit off-topic... nothing to do with mod_perl.

It's reporting a situation when the client starts to send an HTTP request 
but doesn't complete it - you have an Apache process tied up waiting for 
the request to complete; it doesn't, and Apache  eventually times out the 
request and  so logs it.

So look at your simulated client.

- Simon
Simon Rosenthal ([EMAIL PROTECTED])          
Web Systems Architect
Northern Light Technology       222 Third Street, Cambridge MA 02142
Phone:  (617)577-2796  :       URL:
"Northern Light - Just what you've been searching for"

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