Sorry, all the attributes were losts, the line I was referred to is under
                Building Apache and mod_perl by Hand
And is under sub-section 
At the line 
                          % cp -r src/modules/perl apache_x.x.x/src/modules/

                -----Original Message-----
                From:   Wang, Pin-Chieh 
                Sent:   Tuesday, January 25, 2000 10:15 AM
                To:     '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
                Subject:        Is this a mistake?

                Can some one confirm if this document on the web is correct?
                Building Apache and mod_perl by Hand
                If you wish to process the httpd build separately from the
mod_perl, you
                should use NO_HTTPD=1 option during the perl Makefile.PL
stage, then
                configure various things by hand and proceed with building
process. You
                shouldn't run perl Makefile before following the steps
described in this
                These are the configurations you should make before the
build stage, if you
                choose to manually build mod_perl: 
                mod_perl's Makefile 
                        When perl Makefile.PL is executed,
                will be modified to enable various options (e.g.
ALL_HOOKS=1). Instead of
                tweaking the options during the the perl Makefile.PL, you
may also edit
                mod_perl-x.xx/src/modules/perl/Makefile before running perl
                        This is an optional step. 
                        Add to apache_x.x.x/src/Configuration : 
                          AddModule modules/perl/libperl.a
                        We suggest you add this entry at the end of the
Configuration file
                if you want your callback hooks to have precedence over core
                        Add the following to EXTRA_LIBS: 
                          EXTRA_LIBS=`perl -MExtUtils::Embed -e ldopts`
                        Add the following to EXTRA_CFLAGS: 
                          EXTRA_CFLAGS=`perl -MExtUtils::Embed -e ccopts` 
                mod_perl source files 
                        Return to the mod_perl directory and copy the
mod_perl source files
                into the apache build directory: 
                          % cp -r src/modules/perl apache_x.x.x/src/modules/
                        % cp -r src/modules/perl

                When you have done with the configuration parts, run: 
                  % perl Makefile.PL NO_HTTPD=1 DYNAMIC=1  EVERYTHING=1\

                PC Wang

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