On Thu, 27 Jan 2000, Thomas Corte wrote:
> Hi,
> I'd like to use sybperl from a (statically linked) mod_perl httpd.
> I only have older non-PIC sybase client
> libraries here (the OS is hp/ux), so I can't build sybase
> as a loadable object for perl. That is, it seems I have to compile
> mod_perl and sybase stuff statically into my httpd binary.
> >From the docs, I got the info that adding Sybase::DBlib
> to PERL_STATIC_EXTS should do the trick.
> Indeed, I got a httpd binary which is about 200k bigger than
> without this addition.
> However, "use Sybase::DBlib" in a mod_perl script still yields
> > Can't locate loadable object for module Sybase::DBlib in @INC
> I wonder why perl still looks for a loadable object here.
> Is it possible at all to link the sybase stuff into httpd?
> Or will I have to buy more recent PIC-compiled client libraries?
> Any help would be appreciated.

You'll also have to recompile Sybase::DBLib:

perl Makefile.PL LINKTYPE=static

so that it doesn't try and load the DSO.


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