On 20 Jan 2000, Greg Stark wrote:

> Stas Bekman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > > Is there a recommendation on how to catch & stop run away mod_perl programs
> > > in a way that's _not_ part of the run away program.  Or is this even
> > > possible?  Some type of watchdog, just like httpd.conf Timeout?
> > 
> > Try Apache::SafeHang
> > http://www.singlesheaven.com/stas/modules/Apache-SafeHang-0.01.tar.gz
> Runaway? you mean 100% CPU ? Set up Apache::Resource then.
> This isn't related to Oracle by any chance is it? 
> We had this problem inside the Oracle libs at one point.

The process can be "runaway" waiting for some event to happen, or not to
complete for some other reason. It might use 0% CPU in this case and
untrappable by Apache::Resource. I've showen a few examples in the debug
chapter of the guide. 

Stas Bekman    mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]      http://www.stason.org/stas
Perl,CGI,Apache,Linux,Web,Java,PC     http://www.stason.org/stas/TULARC
perl.apache.org    modperl.sourcegarden.org   perlmonth.com    perl.org
single o-> + single o-+ = singlesheaven    http://www.singlesheaven.com

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