[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Aaron Johnson) wrote:
>In "the guide" it is recommended that a sub in the startup.pl file:
>               my $class = shift;
>               warn "$class can't \$UNIVERSAL::AUTOLOAD!\n";
>             }

You'll get more useful information if you get rid of the backslash:

                my $class = shift;
                warn "$class can't $UNIVERSAL::AUTOLOAD!\n";

Stas - this should be changed in the guide, on the
'All_RAM_Consumed.html' page.

My guess at your problem - you haven't pre-loaded all necessary modules
in your startup files (httpd.conf and startup.pl).  The code is
disappearing when the children die and are re-spawned.

  -------------------                            -------------------
  Ken Williams                             Last Bastion of Euclidity
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]                            The Math Forum

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