Title: UK based modperl agency required for Virgin

You have all supported me tremendously through building my first mod_perl web site : http://www.orgasmicwines.com - many thanks.

Now Orgasmic Wines has raised its first round of capital from Richard Branson, and we are becoming Virgin Wines ltd.  The existing web site and infrastructure is being viewed as a prototype, and everything needs to be redeveloped.

We want to outsource as much as possible, and we are looking for agencies who will work as partners with us to create and run the new Virgin Wines. 

I would very much like to keep the site running on a Linux/apache/mod_perl platform - however, every major agency we talk to in the UK seems to use NT and ASP.

So, calling any major UK based web agency with ecommerce experience building sites in mod_perl - I want to hear from you.

please reply by email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Clinton Gormley
Webmaster, Orgasmic Wines

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