Sean Chittenden wrote:
>         <>
>         Supposedly, according to its benchmarks, it's faster than mod_perl...
> impressive to say the least.  Any chance someone has any experience with this
> or would like to benchmark this technology?  External validation would be
> pretty useful.  --SC

It is not faster than mod_perl.  We tested it and found that the Resin
author used code that didn't take good advantage of mod_perl, i.e.
Apache::Registry scripts rather than PerlHandler modules.  We sent our
results and code to Caucho, and received a cordial reply, but they have
not updated their page.  The following is an excerpt from the message
one of our engineers sent to them:

>  I've recently been testing Resin 1.1b4's performance compared with
> mod_perl. The "benchmark.jar" from your web site included perl scripts that
> really didn't take full advantage of the capabilities that mod_perl offers.
> So, I wrote three perl modules that attempt to be similar to examples
> included in the Resin 1.1b4 distribution and better reflect what mod_perl
> can do.
>  Attached is a gzipped tar file with these perl modules, and you're free to
> do whatever you want with them.
>  Overall, I've found Resin to be a very good product, yet ran into a few
> problems during testing. These may be caused by the IBM 1.1.8 JDK rather
> than the Resin package itself. For example when running Resin as a
> stand-alone httpd server, then using "httperf" to benchmark it, the entire
> JVM would freeze up when the --close-with-reset option was given to
> httperf.
>  The JVM used in testing is IBM 1.1.8, on Red Hat Linux 6.0, 2x500MHz
> Pentium III, 512MB RAM, Oracle 8.0.5 client libraries (JDBC).  Apache 1.3.9
> with DSO support was used for "Resin+Apache", with 60 max clients. A recent
> version of mod_perl and Apache  (without DSO) was used for the
> "mod_perl+Apache" tests, also with 60 max clients. Finally, "Resin httpd"
> is Resin running its own web server, with max threads set to 60.
>  These tests used httperf with persistent connections, making either 1000
> or 100 requests per connection, depending on the test. The results on
> "hello" are astounding:
>     Test: "hello" -- displays "Hello, World"
>     Size: 450 bytes
>  httperf: 40 concurrent connections, 1000 requests/connection
>  Results:
>           mod_perl+Apache: 1600 req/sec
>           Resin+Apache:     500 req/sec
>           Resin httpd:     4600 req/sec
>     Test: "bighello" -- lots of HTML + "Hello World"
>     Size: 23888 bytes
>  httperf: 40 concurrent connections, 100 requests/connection
>  Results:
>           mod_perl+Apache: 480 req/sec
>           Resin+Apache:    300 req/sec
>           Resin httpd:     280 req/sec
>     Test: "database" -- query: "select NAME from DIVISION", returns 11 rows
>     Size: 460 bytes
>  httperf: 40 concurrent connections, 100 requests/connection
>  Results:
>           mod_perl+Apache: 570 req/sec
>           Resin+Apache:    300 req/sec
>           Resin httpd:     450 req/sec
> So, although "Resin httpd" performs very well with many small transfers
> ("hello"), the performance relative to mod_perl appears to degrade with
> larger transfers ("bighello"). The database performance improved nicely
> from where it was under Resin+Apache, but mod_perl still has the edge
> there.
> I also tested the "file.jsp", which I renamed "fortune" in the perl tests.
> With http_load, the results again show mod_perl ahead:
> Resin:
>    1584 fetches, 10 max parallel, 489610 bytes, in 10 seconds
>    309.097 mean bytes/connection
>    158.4 fetches/sec, 48961 bytes/sec
> mod_perl:
>    6190 fetches, 10 max parallel, 1.98814e+06 bytes, in 10 seconds
>    321.186 mean bytes/connection
>    619 fetches/sec, 198814 bytes/sec
> I'm not trying to belittle Resin in any way -- in fact I'm impressed by
> both its design and performance.  In learning about Resin during these
> tests, I found that JSP is in many ways easier to use than mod_perl. The
> smart caching that Resin does (with compiling .java -> .class, etc.) is
> effective, and the XML configuration is a joy to deal with compared to
> Apache's httpd.conf.

So, it's nice, but not as fast as mod_perl on Linux.  If anyone wants to
try this on another OS, I can supply a tar of the files we used for

- Perrin

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