
I have a problem with installation of mod_perl with other modules on Apache. 
  It's on BSDI with Apache 1.3.9 and perl 5.x.

I'd like to install mod_perl and mod_auth_radius on Apache.  mod_auth_radius 
is just a C file (mod_auth_radius.c).

I have followd INSTALL of mod_perl and tried all kinds of stuff, but still 
no luck of intalling mod_perl and mod_auth_radius together on Apache.  I am 
able to install mod_perl alone by following the installation instructions.

Let me explain how I did it.  I have a config.status in Apache_1.3.9 
directory.  The content of config.status is as follows:

##  config.status -- APACI auto-generated configuration restore script
##  Use this shell script to re-run the APACI configure script for
##  restoring your configuration. Additional parameters can be supplied.

./configure \
"--with-layout=Apache" \
"--add-module=./src/modules/perl/mod_perl.c" \
"--add-module=./src/modules/extra/mod_auth_radius.c" \

The mod_perl and mod_auth_radius is corretly located in Apache_1.3.9 

$ ./config.status

It works fine and it generates the makefile.

$ make

I get of errors with error code 1.

So how can I install mod_perl with other modules on Apache?  I also tried to 
install mod_perl and mod_auth_radius from mod_perl directory, but with no 
luck to succeed.  I appreciate any inputs.

Thanks in advance.

-Bing W.

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