> Here's the problem.  I have a number of cgi scripts I want to run
> under PerlRun (some under Registry, but not all of them are cleaned up
> yet), and also run a new Mason interface we've put together.  But with
> the config below, only HTML::Mason processes them.  My understanding
> of SetHandler in apache is that it goes from the more specific to the
> less specific, but this does not seem to be the case with PerlHandler.
> <Files "*.cgi">
>   Options +ExecCGI
>   SetHandler perl-script
>   PerlHandler Apache::PerlRun
>   PerlSendHeader on
> </Files>
> PerlRequire conf/mason.pl
> <Location />
> Options +ExecCGI
> SetHandler perl-script
> PerlHandler HTML::Mason
> </Location>
> I'm nonplussed about resorting to a FixupHandler, and I'm just
> wondering about what kind of precedence is out there to select which
> PerlHandler or PerlAccessHandler or what have you to run given
> a directory configuration.  Is mod_perl using the same dir config
> as apache?  Have I somehow screwed up the configuration?  Is there
> something I'm missing that could pass processing off to PerlRun
> instead of HTML::Mason when pages get accessed?
> Thanks for any help.  I've looked through both the Mason documentation
> and the mod_perl documentation looking for help (the former because
> it does have a related issue answered concerning SetHandler..).  Is
> there somewhere else I've missed?
> Thanks for any help, I've run across this kind of problem before but
> I've always been able to get away from it with clever placement
> the handlers in the uri space -- I can't do that this time.

I believe the problem is not in Perlhandler precedence but in:
How Directory, Location and Files Sections are Merged 

> --Rob

Stas Bekman    mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]      http://www.stason.org/stas
Perl,CGI,Apache,Linux,Web,Java,PC     http://www.stason.org/stas/TULARC
perl.apache.org    modperl.sourcegarden.org   perlmonth.com    perl.org
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