On Thu, Feb 10, 2000 at 08:05:36AM -0800, Sambit Nanda wrote:
> and the file AuthenSmb.pm file Where i mentioned the PDC and WorkGroup name 
>  <Directory /foo/bar>
>     # This is the standard authentication stuff
>     AuthName "Foo Bar Authentication"
>     AuthType Basic
>     # Variables you need to set, you must set at least
>     # the myPDC variable, the DOMAIN defaults to WORKGROUP
>     PerlSetVar nhct-01 NHHQ
>    # PerlSetVar myBDC workgroup-bdc
>     PerlSetVar NHHQ NHHQ
>     PerlAuthenHandler Apache::AuthenSmb
>     # Standard require stuff, only user and
>     # valid-user work currently
>     require valid-user
>     </Directory>

What you changed in AuthenSmb.pm is an EXAMPLE.  You should cut and
paste that example into your httpd.conf file and change the values
there.  You shouldn't have to edit the AuthenSmb.pm module.


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