Hi Joshua,

On Mon, 27 Mar 2000, Joshua Chamas wrote:

> I have a huge site that I want to apply a generic font face to with
> Apache::ASP.  Has anyone here ever been bothered before that you
> can't just wrap the body doc with a default font and have that be
> it.  No CSS please.  But what about those pesky <table>s that seem
> to break it all?

Yeah, I've bothered.  I really don't care about the font face, but I
want to talk about the SIZE.  But it *has* to be configurable per
client.  When you get to my age, the fine print on the majority of Web
sites is completely illegible with the default browser text sizes.
Young whipper-snappers writing HTML don't realize what a problem that
can be.  So I want my older users (they have more money...) to be able
to read my sites.

There are millions of visually impaired people (ten percent of males
are red/green colour blind) who would bless you if they knew you had
done a little something to make the Web more accessible to them.  They
could choose their own colours as well as text size and font.

So please, Joshua, do it, or I'll have to invent my own tags.  I was
thinking of something like a chained Apache::Footer with some sort of

s/<FONT SIZE=X>/<$FONT_TAG_per_client_session_or_maybe_loginid>/;

construct in it so that users could click on

<A HREF="BiggerText.pl">Bigger Text</A></BR>


<A HREF="SmallrText.pl">Smaller Text</A></BR>

but I'm well aware that this would be a crude implementation of what
could be a really nifty feature.

> <font face=$Response->{FontFace}> at the start of a <body>
> Script_OnFlush hook,

Don't have any strong feelings on the implementation.  I would use
extra path info, probably with handlers to strip out the mush, but I
suppose you'd want to make it cookie based?


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