----- Original Message -----
From: Joshua Chamas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2000 09:45
Subject: [asp] $Response->{FontFace} ?

| I have a huge site that I want to apply a generic font face
| to with Apache::ASP.  Has anyone here ever been bothered before
| that you can't just wrap the body doc with a default font and
| have that be it.


There is a HTML tag for it, but as far is I know it isn't really part of the
W3 standard:

<basefont face=Tahoma size=2>

Put this in your document just between </head> and <body> and for MSIE 4+
and some of the newer
Netscapes, this will set the global font, even within tables.

I think implementing something like a $Response->{FontFace} tag or the like
which automagically inserts tags after each
<td> tag is a general bad idea, because it can easily break things and it
won't produce good HTML, because then you also should make Apache::Asp to
also insert closing tags, meaning it should have at least some sense what is
going on, causing everything to slow down. If some browsers (especially
Netscape) already give very unpredictable results if one messes a bit with
the closing order of tags (try to do a <font
face="Arial"><b>Bold<i>Italic</b><i>Plain</font> and see for yourself), I
think you would agree on me.


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