I've installed perl 5.6.0 + Apache 1.3.12 + modperl 1.22.

An arbitrary request causes the httpd to core dump:

$ telnet localhost 80
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
GET / HTTP/1.0

Connection closed by foreign host.

This gets into the error log:
[Fri Mar 31 16:23:31 2000] [notice] child pid 19804 exit signal Segmentation fault (11)

pid 19804 belonged to an httpd-instance.

This happens with a clean installation, so it can't be in any of my
scripts.  I've tried building without any other modules than mod_perl,
and I've tried building with all the modules I want except mod_perl.
Turning on and off the "AddModule mod_perl.c" line also affects this
issue ... so it must be a mod_perl issue as far as I can see.

Any suggestions?  I've been fighting with this issue for several days
now, if I can't resolve this one fairly quick I'll go for fastcgi

Tobias Brox (alias TobiX) - sysguy - +4722925871 - http://www.funcom.com/
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