Hi all,

This post is a little off topic, but since I'm using mod_perl... here
goes. :-)

I have a site which uses cookies for user tracking. If you go to
http://cloudstock.com/, the server is sending the cookie but the browser
is not accepting it ("warn before accepting cookie" is on). If I go to
http://www.cloudstock.com/ the cookie is sent & accepted. 

The domain in the Set-Cookie header is '.cloudstock.com'. According to
every spec I've read, this should work properly. I telnetted to
cloudstock.com port 80 and did a GET /, which showed Set-Cookie before
the Content-Type.

I'm using CGI.pm to create the cookies, specifying the domain attribute
as '.sitename.com'. I can't understand why this is not working.
PerlSendHeader is turned on (although this has never caused problems in
the past). Here is my virtual host config if it helps:

DocumentRoot /blahblah/htdocs/cloudstock
ServerName www.cloudstock.com
ErrorLog logs/cloudstock-error_log
TransferLog logs/cloudstock-access_log
ErrorDocument 500 /html/500error.html
<Directory /blahblah/htdocs/cloudstock>
        Options ExecCGI Indexes
        SetHandler perl-script
        PerlHandler Apache::Registry
        #PerlInitHandler Apache::StatINC
        ExpiresByType text/html A0

If anyone has run into this before, please let me know. I'd love some

Drew Taylor
Vialogix Communications, Inc.
501 N. College Street
Charlotte, NC 28202

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