> At 05:29 PM 04/06/00 -0400, you wrote:
> >Kee,
> >
> >I'm about to that point. What is the easiest way to do this? I have one
> >IP for the domain. Should I have my scripts check SERVER_NAME & do a
> >redirect? BTW, I have complete control over the box so I can do what I
> >want. :-)
> >

I think whoever said that http://cloudstock.com/ doesn't match
.cloudstock.com might be right.

I had a similar problem with cookies on kuro5hin.org. I needed to set a
session=blah cookie for www.kuro5hin.org, and a *different* session
cookie for scoop.kuro5hin.org. So I couldn't use .kuro5hin.org as the
domain. But I wanted people who came to http://kuro5hin.org/ to go to
www.kuro5hin.org by default.

What I ended up doing was targeting cookies at a host (i.e.
domain=www.kuro5hin.org), and setting up VirtualHost sections as

NameVirtualHost  # IP of www.kuro5hin.org

# Redirect all hostless requests to www VHost
    ServerName kuro5hin.org
    Redirect permanent / http://www.kuro5hin.org/

# Proper URI for www.kuro5hin.org
  ServerName www.kuro5hin.org

This way, people who come in to http://kuro5hin.org/ get redirected
right off the bat, and so far this seems to have solved the problem.


PS- General comment: Cookies are a neat idea, but good lord are they
ever a PITA to implement. :-/

|      Rusty Foster       | "You can never entirely stop being what   |
|   [EMAIL PROTECTED]    | you once were. That's why it's important  |
|    [EMAIL PROTECTED]      | to be the right person today, and not put |
| http://www.kuro5hin.org | it off till tomorrow."        -Larry Wall |

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