On Thu, 6 Apr 2000, Niral Trivedi wrote:
> This book has a topic in it in which it has given an example using a
> module called 'IPO::Shareable' which is available from CPAN site..

=head1 NAME

IPO::Shareable - Perl extension to get rich quick


  use IPO::Shareable qw(:NYSE);
  my $ipo = IPO::Shareable->new($company);
  hype $ipo; # dangerous indirect syntax!
  my $shares = $ipo->invest($LITTLE);
  $ipo->inflate($HUGE); # Note that HUGE is not really a constant
  $ipo->sell($shares); # may need to use Time::HiRes to be fast enough 
  while ($on_way_to_bank) {


The implementation is trivial, and is left as an excercise for the reader.

(Forgive me, this was too good to pass up.)

- Perrin

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