Dear Mod_Perl'lers

I hate to bug the list with this simple problem, but I am at my wits end. I
have The Good Book (Aka: Apache Modules with Perl and C. Aka: The Eagle
Book) but have some questions that are just killing me.

I would like to do something like the program on page 104 - 110 and also
page 130 - 135 of The Eagle book. For those of you not blessed with this
book, I am trying to recover the parameter from a GET request. Below is my
code I correctly using, but my problem is the Apache::Request and
Apache::Constant are not being found or used or whatever is the error (Error
posted below).

Some notes, I have tried adding "use Apache::Constants qw(:common)" but it
also returns the same error. I have also replaced the last line with "my
($FirstInfo, $SecondInfo) = split /=/, $r->args;" with no success either. I
have those modules installed, and I forced reinstalled them to make sure
along with Bundle::Apache.

If anyone could point me to a really good example of the r->args and GET
requests I would really appreciate it.

<---My Error--->

Can't locate object method "new" via package "Apache::Request" at
./ line 10.

<---MY CODE--->

use strict;

use Apache::Request ();
use CGI qw(:standard);
use DBI;

my $r = new Apache::Request;  <---Where the error appears
my $dbh ||= DBI->connect('dbi:mysql:Action', 'login', 'password') || die
"Could not open Database: ";

my ($person_id, $name, $totalkills, $totalkilled);
my %arguments = $r->args;

 Jason Murphy
 System Administrator
 1-800-397-3743 ex: 133

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