On Apr 11, 2000 at 08:36:42 -0400, Paul G. Weiss twiddled the keys to say:
> I'm using Apache::RegistryNG to feed GzipChain.  But doesn't
> the chunking occur *after* GzipChain?  I've also tried
> Apache::Registry with the same results.

>From the Apache::GzipChain man page..

       GzipChain compresses every single buffer content it
       receives via the output chain separately according to the
       GZIP specification (RFC 1952). The compression ratio
       therefore suffers if the other module sends its data in
       very small chunks.

So apparently the browsers can't cope with multiple gzip'ed chunks. If
your send the content to GzipChain in one large hunk the problem goes

Rick Myers                            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Feynman Problem       1) Write down the problem.
Solving Algorithm         2) Think real hard.
                          3) Write down the answer.

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