On Sat, 28 Oct 2000, G.W. Haywood wrote:

> Hi there,
> On Sat, 28 Oct 2000, Jerrad Pierce wrote:
> > Is anybody using GzipChain?
> IIRC, Josh said he was.  He didn't complain about it.  Raved, in fact.
> > Is there some known means of verifying that it is in fact working properly?
> LWP?

better to use your logs... LWP won't trigger it... if you download a 100k
page when you look at "view page info" or save it to disk, but your access
log shows 15k, you know it's doing it's job...  (hhmm, seems I was using
Apache::Gzip until I got my ADSL back ... but at that time, it was a
non-trivial exercise, and compressing _everything_ (including PHP scripts
etc...) required using LWP internally, which worked even better for
checking functionality, because you had two log entries, the raw one from
localhost, and the one compressed one from the remote agent, with
"appropriate" variances in their sizes :-)

> 73,
> Ged.

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