I have a plain-old CGI script configured to be loaded with Apache::Registry
<Location /cgi-bin/myscript.pl>
SetHandler  perl-script
PerlHandler Apache::Registry
Options ExecCGI
PerlSendHeader On
In this configuration, I see the BEGIN block of my script get executed twice per child process. If I add the line "PerlModule Apache::RegistryLoader" to the httpd.conf file, this gets cut down to once per child process (which is what I want!)  Is this behavior documented anywhere?  I have been scouring Doub's book and other online resources for 2 days, and don't understand this behavior.
(An aside:  All the docs talk about using "Apache::RegistryLoader->new->handler(...)", and that works to make BEGIN execute only once (I even tried it myself to be sure).  But nothing about using RegistryLoader the way I am.  Am I doing something horribly wrong?)

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