I'm in the 'start up' phase of trying to use AuthCookie trying to get 
the sample test scripts to work (v 2.006) with an existing mod_perl 
1.21 installation

when I click the "Get the protected document" link, it get the nice 
little login page (login.pl), but when I enter the credentials or 
anything at all, I always get the page back and this in the error 

[Thu Apr 13 10:42:48 2000] [error] auth_type Sample::AuthCookieHandler
[Thu Apr 13 10:42:48 2000] [error] auth_name WhatEver 
[Thu Apr 13 10:42:48 2000] [error] ses_key_cookie 
[Thu Apr 13 10:42:48 2000] [error] uri /protected/LOGIN

Config additions look like this:

listen 10080
<virtualhost eagle.is.bizsystems.com:10080>
DocumentRoot /usr/src/perlmods/Apache-AuthCookie-2.006/t/eg

# Look in ./blib/lib
PerlModule ExtUtils::testlib
# mail program line wrap
        Sample/AuthCookieHandler.p m

PerlSetVar WhatEverPath /
PerlSetVar WhatEverLoginScript /login.pl
PerlSetVar AuthCookieDebug 3

# These documents require user to be logged in.
<Location /protected>
 AuthType Sample::AuthCookieHandler
 AuthName WhatEver
 PerlAuthenHandler Sample::AuthCookieHandler->authenticate
 PerlAuthzHandler Sample::AuthCookieHandler->authorize
 require valid-user

# These documents don't require logging in, but allow it.
<FilesMatch ".cgi >
 AuthType Sample::AuthCookieHandler
 AuthName WhatEver
 PerlFixupHandler Sample::AuthCookieHandler->recognize_user

<FilesMatch ".pl">
 AuthType Sample::AuthCookieHandler
 AuthName WhatEver
 SetHandler perl-script
 PerlHandler Apache::Registry
 Options +ExecCGI

# This is the action of the login.pl script above.
<Files LOGIN>
 AuthType Sample::AuthCookieHandler
 AuthName WhatEver
 SetHandler perl-script
 PerlHandler Sample::AuthCookieHandler->login

Frustrated !

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