Sorry if this is slightly off topic.

I seem to have run into problems using IPC::Open3 under mod_perl 1.22 and perl
5.6.0.  This probelm only seems to have cropped up after I upgraded form perl
5.005 to perl 5.6.0.  What happens is I have an exception handler that opens
gpg and uses gpg to encrypt some data and email it to me in the case of an
exception.  The code looks like this:

    my $input  = new IO::Handle;
    my $output = new IO::Handle;
    my $error  = new IO::Handle;

    my $cmd = "gpg --homedir /etc/httpd/perl/gkgnsi/gpg -r $to -ea";
    my $pid = IPC::Open3::open3($input, $output, $error, $cmd);

THis worked fine when I was running perl 5.005, but now it dies here, and the
apache error_log shows:

[error] Can't locate object method "OPEN" via package "Apache" at
/usr/lib/perl5/5.6.0/IPC/ line 132.


Has anyone seen anything like this?  Anyone have any ideas?


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