Paul Lindner wrote:
> Hello mod_perl'ers.
> I don't know if it's just me, but I'm having problems with growing
> memory reallocation on a HUP or graceful (USR1) restart.  I've looked
> through the mailing list archives and the wonderful guide, but have
> come up short of answers.
> First off, the config:
>   Red Hat apache 1.3.12 rpm with mod_perl 1.22 (same spec file as used
>   for 1.21 rpm) Very simple configs..  PerlFreshRestart is off.  No
>   weirdness in the error logs, etc.
> Now, on to the numbers.  I started a server with a clean config and
> slowly added the perl configs, and came up with the following memory
> analysis.
> No perl configs (numbers are actual/shared memory usage, hup by hup)
>   3588/2228 -> 3636/2284 -> 3680/2324 -> 3724/2364 -> 3768/2404 -> 3812/2444

I have a static Solaris compilation, and have the same problems 
where the parent seems to grow by 1M each HUP.  This has caused 
me some problems because I have a monitor that will do a 
graceful if the httpd seems stuck, but I ended up doing a 
cold stop/start every X restarts instead.

Yours is a great analysis, and I look forward to the fruits of
your research.


Joshua Chamas                           Chamas Enterprises Inc.
NodeWorks >> free web link monitoring   Huntington Beach, CA  USA                1-714-625-4051

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