FEITO Nazareno wrote:
> Hi buddy... I have a recommendation for you...
> Here where I work, we have a unix and a linux running Oracle databases
> accessed by perl and ASP, perl is embeded, I mean, .phtml, and it really
> sucks, I mean, is really crazy to do that, but the ppl didnīt know that...
> in that way we connect with oracle with DBI trought modperl but we make
> another things with ASP and Javascript.
> The code is like perl embeded into ASP, the results are good, but when a
> programmer want to analize that we call to the mental hospital, do you
> understand me?

I think this poor guy was mixing up IIS/ASP with Apache::ASP, which 
is a perl native port of ASP.  PHTML sounds like Apache::SSI.  Anyhow,
he doesn't know much about what he's doing, but if wanted to learn
from the list, he could.  For starters, all of the embeded perl solutions
allow things to be done quickly and easily w/o much design.  Such
is also perl's strength & weakness, that to program well, you must have
a good programmer, but you have some very powerful tools all the same.

For more information on Apache::ASP, check out 


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