
Couple things.  First, are you using linux, and if so are you using
2.3.99pre6?  It has a bug in it's vm, you need to downgrade to pre5,
or if pre7's out I've heard good stuff about Rik's new sets of

The other thing is that you need to grab the apache source, and start
cutting programs out of your configuration.  Go into the src directory
and hand edit the Configuration file, take out everything but what you
need.  Then either compile mod_perl apxs style, or into apache..., you
get slightly less memory consumption by compiling mod_perl in.
However, the other end of this is you need to get rid of that huge
swap partition.  Seriously... your computer will be useless with that
big of a swap, at a maxima 128MB swap.  The other end of this is..,
well, 128MB of RAM is pretty small for a webserver.  I would suggest
you up that to 256MB, that would only cost $100 (US) in the states,
and would greatly alleviate your problem.  But if you're running
pre6..., downgrade, quick! :-)


On Tue, May 02, 2000 at 09:34:45AM -0300, FEITO Nazareno wrote:
> Hi, wassup ppl...
> I have a little problem, when I start up my apache 1.3.12 with
> mod_perl.1.23, it seem like he is eating all the memory, in a point that the
> computer almost doesnīt respond, I did try upping swap, I have 128MB ram and
> 512MB swap(is crazy for me, but I tryied), I donīt know whatīs is the
> problem, my startservers are only 3 and minspare y maxspare are 3 and 6, I
> donīt have idea what iīm doing wrong, when the webserver is down the memory
> used is something like 70MB and swap used is 250MB but when the webserver is
> up, memory used is something like 127MB and swap 510MB, is amazing for me,
> and I canīt even have an idea of whatīs going on...
> Any help will be very very precied!!!!!!!!!
> Nazareno
> Perl Programmer

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