John D Groenveld wrote:
> -Xa is a Sun WorkShop Compiler C 4.2 option,
> -X[a|c|s|t]
> Specifies the degree of conformance to the ANSI C stan-
> dard. Specifies one of the following:
> a (ANSI)
> ANSI C plus K&R C compatibility extensions, with
> semantic changes required by ANSI C. Where K&R C
> and ANSI C specify different semantics for the
> same construct, the compiler will issue warnings
> about the conflict and use the ANSI C interpreta-
> tion. This is the default compiler mode.
The machine I was building on was Solaris 2.4 with the Sun Compiler v3.0
in which the cc manpage says "-Xt" ('transition') is the default. I
also have a Solaris 2.6 machine with the Sun Compiler v4.0 which says,
like the snippet above, that "-Xa" is the default.
Steve Hay