
At my company we're developing a project using mod_perl and
Apache::Registry. The project consists of one main script, which
"require"s a couple of other scripts and calls functions contained in
them. In order to provide a "private" development environment to each of
our developers,  we defined a virtual server per developer. Each virtual
server has its root aliased to a different directory, which contains one
developr's "private" versions of the scripts.
This seems to work fine most of the time, but, sometimes, the "require"d
scripts get mixed up: The "main" script from one virtual server seems to
be using "require"d scripts belonging to another virtual server.

We're using Apache 1.3.4 / mod_perl 1.18 / perl 5.004_04 (Yes, they're
oldies, I know).

Any help would be much appreciated.

Uri Bernstein

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