On Thu, 11 May 2000, Leslie Mikesell wrote:

> According to Mark Imbriaco:
> > > >>>>> "Perrin" == Perrin Harkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > >     Perrin> I think every RDBMS I've seen, includig MySQL, guarantees
> > >     Perrin> atomicity at this level.
> > > 
> > > Look, Mummy, the funny man said MySQL and RDBMS in the same sentence :)
> > 
> > Please don't start on this.  I'm really sick of hearing Phil Greenspun
> > harp on the evils of MySQL, and I don't think this is the place to relive
> > that discussion all over again.  Yes, I see the smiley, but this topic is
> > so inflammatory that I felt a response in an attempt to prematurely stop
> > the insanity was in order. :-)  All databases suck.  Pick the one that
> > sucks the least for what you're trying to accomplish and move on.
> Right, we don't need flames with no content, but there is always
> the problem of knowing what is going to suck the least in any
> new situation.  For example I have one mysql database that typically
> fields 200 concurrent connections, 10 million queries daily (mostly
> concentrated in a 4 hour period) and is probably faster than anything
> else that could be done on that hardware.  However I recently inherited
> another system that is falling on its face at a much lighter load.  It
> appears to be using tmp files to sort some ORDER BY clauses that
> I haven't had time to fix yet.   Is there any efficient way to pull
> the newest N items from a large/growing table as you do a join
> with another table?  As a quick fix I've gone to a static snapshot
> of some popular lists so I can control how often they are rebuilt. 

Sorry, Les, but [OT] is Ok when it's somehow related to mod_perl, but for
your benefit please take this question to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .  

Stas Bekman             | JAm_pH    --    Just Another mod_perl Hacker
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