For those not on the axkit mailing list, I thought you might like a
quickie AxKit update:

First an introduction: AxKit is a standards based XML templating system,
and much more. Ultimately it's an application server, but there's more
work to do to reach that level, IMHO. Right now it can deliver transformed
XML content to browsers, WAP devices and other media types, and it does so
very quickly.

AxKit 0.60 now has the following features:

Transformation of XML using XSLT, using either Sablotron XSLT, or

Transformation of XML using XPathScript, a powerful ASP-like XML scripting
language of my own invention that is much less verbose than XSLT, and
probably more powerful (but then I'm biased).

Transformation using XMLNews::HTMLTemplate of either RDF or NITF news

Transparent caching.

"Cascading" of the output from one stylesheet system into another.

A plugin system that allows you to build your own system for stylesheet
choice, or media selection or other facilities.

In progress is also a direct to output mode, using SAX, that allows output
to start appearing as soon as the parser starts on your XML. This will be
undeniably useful for database interaction. I'm also working on an XML
compiler for this, that compiles XML into Perl code generating SAX events.

If any of this gets your interest, then wander on over to ( is 100% axkit built)


Fastnet Software Ltd. High Performance Web Specialists
Providing mod_perl, XML, Sybase and Oracle solutions
Email for training and consultancy availability.

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