On Mon, May 15, 2000 at 12:20:19PM -0700, Perrin Harkins wrote:
> On Mon, 15 May 2000, raptor wrote:
> > My question is instead of using two Apache servers OR Apache+proxy scenario
> > (static vs dynamic pages) will it be possible to leave static pages to kHTTPD
> > and run only one APACHE server.....
> It will, but you're missing part of the benefit from the proxy
> scenario.  As the guide explains, running a proxy in front of your dynamic
> page server will help keep the number of processes down by dealing with
> slow clients for you.
> A super fast server for images and truly static pages is a good idea,
> although a simple stripped-down apache will probably handle more static
> page traffic than you can afford the bandwidth for anyway.
> - Perrin


These httpd static accelerators do 100 times better than apache does.
They only have ONE process per CPU :-).  No matter how many clients
their dishing out to simultaneoulsy.



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