I understood now...

Thank you all for your responses..


Perrin Harkins wrote:
> On Thu, 18 May 2000, Niral Trivedi wrote:
> > Now, with Apache::DBI, we'll have one DBI handle per child process
> > during the server startup. Now, let's say one child has started its
> > processing and hasn't served any request yet. Now, first request comes
> > in and it will look for DB handle, which is available and start
> > processing it. Now, second request comes in for same child process and
> > request for DBI handle, which is still serving first request.
> Niral, you're not understanding Apache's multi-process daemon
> approach.  No child process will ever try to serve more than
> request at once.  These are not multi-threaded processes.
> - Perrin

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