Hi all,

On Thu, 18 May 2000, Randy Kobes wrote:

> > The :: are stripped on the fly, since these cannot be used in index, so
> > when you look for Foo::Bar you are actually looking for 'Foo && Bar'.
> That's a limitation of swish-e - you can configure it to
> index characters like $, !, ... as part of a "word", but
> the characters >, <, *, and : cannot be so indexed.

If you use swish++4.4 then you can change this in "config.h"....

// Characters that are permissible in words: letters must be lower
// case and upper case letters would be redundant.
char const Word_Chars[] = "&'-0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_";
// Characters that may be in a word.  Note that '&' is here so
// acronyms like "AT&T" are treated as one word.  Unlike SWISH-E,
// ';' does not need to be here to recognize and convert character
// entity references.


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