Charles Dalsass wrote:
> Hey dudes, new poster here.
> I've got a project which the client has said 'no mod perl' but only cgi
> and perl. They've got a really powerful machine, but are 'afraid' of
> using mod_perl (because of memory issues, administration etc).
> Performance should not be an issue.
> I also have an employee who knows ASP and some perl. I know that if the
> person writes the web module from scratch (using and perl only),
> it will take about twice as long as it would with Apache::ASP. So I need
> to know if I can run the ASP environment without using mod_perl.

The cgi/asp script in the asp distribution may be
your start here, which you may be able to use 
like: #!/usr/bin/perl asp

at the top of your cgi scripts.  You could hack
it up to set all the special config info you need
for your installation.

Also you can try putting at the top of a cgi script:

use Apache::ASP;

<% ASP script here%>

This is how the test scripts at t/* work in the dist.

Note that I never got Apache::ASP fully working in 
a cgi environment, so you may have to patch it up.  I think
grabbing POST or QUERY input wasn't quite there, thus 
killing the $Request object.

Good luck.

Joshua Chamas                           Chamas Enterprises Inc.
NodeWorks >> free web link monitoring   Huntington Beach, CA  USA                1-714-625-4051

> I've checked out historical postings and noticed that some people
> (Lincoln Stein - seemingly a lively poster) have questioned the use of
> ASP and cgi at all - we'll that's exactly my situation. I've also found
> alot of leads in the right direction, but no final answer (or mysterious
> program).
> I've been unable to nail down an answer to the question:
> Is there a way to run ASP as a cgi program (interchangably).
> What are the steps involved to do that?
> Thanks alot for the help,
> Charles Dalsass

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