Rodney Broom:

> I've been thinking for a while now on a "complete" state maintainance
> system. Although it would be allot of writing, I think that a 
> system could be build that magically incorporates one or more of:
> - magic numbers (or session IDs)
> - cookies
> - IP tracking
> - special form vars

It strikes me that a module derived from (overloading self_url,
end_form and the cookie methods) would be able to handle this almost

Turns out a couple of modules on CPAN kinda do this already:

  o CGI::Persistent - Transparent state persistence for CGI applications. 
  o CGI::Seamstress - CGI extension supporting all programmatic...

So who's volunteering? Leon
Leon Brocard   |   perl "programmer"   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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