        I've just installed: mod_perl (1.24), Apache (1.3.11) on Red Hat
Linux (5.1). As far as I can tell, mod_perl is installed OK. The
<location> directive in httpd.conf contains: PerlSendHeader On.

        I'm now attempting to migrate my .cgi scripts to run under
Apache::Registry. Here's the BUG. Imagine two frames:

        |       A       |
        |               |
        |       B       |
        |               |

        Both document A and B are the results of a CGI script. Frame A
contains a menu. When a user chooses an option from the menu ... the form
is submitted and B is the target frame for the result. 

        Under normal CGI this code works fine. However under mod_perl
(Apache::Registry) the script that generated frame A is re-executed and
the output appears in frame B! Two menus now appear, one in frame A, the
other in frame B.

        How does the browser (Netscape on Linux) get confused about the
target frame for a script? Is there a race condition? How does mod_perl
affect the target frame of the script?

        Any help would be much appreciated.


p.s. these scripts work fine under normal CGI ... so I suspect mod_perl is
making the difference.

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