I got a very strange response from [EMAIL PROTECTED] in
response to a previous posting to this board.  "jez" responded with an
"anti spamming notice"!

It said the message was tossed into /dev/null, and that it was either
because I sent a "ms-tnef" attachment (I sent no attachment at all) or
because I was using Word (something I preach against, lol! =o) 

The message ended with "If neither of the above are the case, then we
just don't want to talk to you!!"

I don't understand.  I post from Yahoo Mail, typing into a <TEXTAREA>
via a NetScape browser, and have never had this problem before.

I realise that's not a mod_perl problem, but is it a mod_perl posting
problem?  Did I do something odd?  I've even been trying to remember to
turn off my signature file (though I still try to tag something in by


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