John Armstrong wrote:

> I have had this problem to varying degrees in all of my high traffic
> mod perl installations. The thing that saves me is Apache::Resource.
> In my httpd.conf I put :
> PerlModule Apache::Resource
> PerlSetEnv PERL_RLIMIT_CPU 640
> PerlChildInitHandler Apache::Resource
> That kills off any bad children. Before I installed this things were
> regularly spinning out of control. You could sit and watch them go
> nuts. After installing it you could watch them _attempt_ to go nuts
> and then watch apache clean house. Its a lifesaver.
> Why does it happen? A variety of reasons but I have just accepted it
> as the cost of doing business with mod_perl and gone on with things.
> Not the most proactive response but so be it :(
> John Armstrong

Yes , I'm always get into this trouble ,  a gnu/linux redhat 6.1 with last kernel
and patch .
About 280k hits per day , down every two days .
Even sometimes a watchdog can reboot it , but sometims not .
Seemly modperl is too complex in idea .
It's more like a hack than fastcgi .

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