Steve Reppucci wrote:

> This is *exactly* the symptoms we see, and we're just about always up to
> date with Apache/Perl/modperl releases.
> We've spent a fair amount of time trying to isolate the cause of these,
> but haven't been able to point the finger at any one cause.  Some of the
> things we've determined:
> - The same behavior is displayed under Solaris (5.6 and 5.7) and Linux
>   (2.2.14).
> - We've seen this through through a bunch of releases of
>   Apache/Perl/modperl over the past 6 months.
> - When a child process goes astray, it is in a tight loop, quickly growing
>   to consume 95 to 100% of the cpu cycles.
> - Under Linux, running strace on the runaway results in nothing --
>   no system calls are shown whatsoever, so it's apparently spinning in
>   a tight CPU loop (though see the next bullet -- it's possible I've
>   just never caught it at an early enough stage.)
> - Under Solaris, I've managed to catch a few of these at an early stage
>   and observed (via truss) an endless series of 'sbrk' calls, eventually
>   this gets bound up tight with no system calls displayed, like the
>   Linux case.
> - This seems to happen more often under heavy load, but we've also seen it
>   fairly regularly during low traffic periods.
> - We did have some luck in doing a thorough read of our handlers that use
>   DBI, making sure that all database connections are explicitly closed
>   at the end of a request (we *don't* use Apache::DBI).  This cut down on
>   the number of runaways, but we still see them.
> We've kept our runaways under control by running a watchdog script that
> looks for modperl processes with the correct load numbers (cpu% > 10% and
> run time > something), but we've all along thought that this would be a
> temporary solution until we determined what we're doing wrong.

Yup , I've do it before , but sometimes runaways are still there and quick take
down the system before you kill them.

> Now that I've seen this report from a couple of others on the list, I'm
> wondering if it's not something we're doing, but rather something within
> Apache or modperl.
> If there's anything anyone on the list can recommend that I do to try to
> collect more clues on the cause, I'll be happy to try it.
> Or maybe if there are others who've seen the same behavior, pipe in so
> that we can get a feeling for how many sites are experiencing this?
> <Steve Reppucci>

Just wonders the imdb's apache-modperl version :

    Server: Apache/1.3.11-dev (Unix) mod_perl/1.21_01-dev .
Maybe this version is most stable to them, they must have a load balance for
failover also.

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