I'm running out of ideas.

PerlFreshRestart was completely unused, then explicitly set Off.
I have two handlers, which seem to work well.  My logs report nothing
amiss aside from the stream of segmentation faults killing off my
server children, usually several in quick succession, then minutes or
hours apart.  This makes me think it's usage-based (duh), but I can't
seem to pin it down.

And there are no core files.  Shouldn't a segmentation fault that kills
a process produce a core file?  What gives? I even logged in as root
and did a "find / -name 'core'", in case it was dumping it in some
obscure spot off the normal web directories.  Not a single hit.  We
don't have gdb on this server, but I assumed it was GNUware and was
going to install it -- but doesn't it need a core file?

I hate to even post this, but I'm completely baffled.
I have users trying to hit the site from bookmarks, and getting the
"document contained no data" popup; I can only assume it's my children
segfaulting, and on no particular page.

All too often, if you go back to a page in the cache (that you *just* c
licked off from!), it refuses to hit any links on that page until you
reload it.  That sounds to me more like a browser problem, but it
wasn't happening until we put the new server online.  Can that be
related?  I hate being clueless.

Finally, let me apologize for posting on this board with what appears
not to be a mod_perl problem.  I don't really kbnow if it is or not,
but couldn't find a straight apache list.  Thanks for your patience,
and for any help you can offer.  


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